When is the Festival?
The festival is the second full weekend of August.

Who Runs the Festival?
The Milford Memories Summer Festival is organized and run by The Huron Valley Chamber of Commerce and its volunteer committee.
What is the Purpose of the Festival?
The festival's purpose is to help the community. It provides many area groups and organizations the opportunity to raise much needed dollars and a way in which to promote themselves. It allows businesses to market themselves in creative ways and to enjoy increased business during the festival. The festival also promotes the Huron Valley community by showing thousands of festival visitors that the Huron Valley community is a great place to work and live.

How and Why Did the Festival Start?
The first festival was held in August, 1992 and revolved around a musical production entitled, “Milford Memories.” It told the story of Milford’s founding fathers, based on the book, "Ten Minutes Ahead of the Rest of the World." The play was written by Jamie Mason, and Michael McGuire wrote the score. The play was performed under a tent in Central Park that year and again in 1993. The art fair was half the size it is now and there were not nearly the number of events that are enjoyed today.